
Maharishi AyurVeda Conference

Budapest, Verdi Hotel Aquincum

11-12 October 2024.


programme plan

DAY 1 - Friday



A hotel Hadrianus konferenciatermének előterében

Védikus recitáció

Közvetítés a MERU-ból

Ayurveda as a mind-based medicine

"Consciousness is all there is."

Tony Nader MD, PhD, MARR

Ayurveda in India's health system today

Ambassador of the Republic of India to Hungary

Integrative and traditional medicine, situation

Dr Rainer Picha

Tea, coffee, biscuits

1. series of lectures


Training health professionals in Ájurveda: the first Master's degree in Ájurveda at a European university

Tomaz Klojcnik
Alma Mater Europaea University, Slovenia

Egy autentikus Ájurvéda klinika vezetése. Az Ájurvéda alapelvei és tudományos kutatása.

Prof. Lothar Pirc
Germany, Bad Ems

Tea, coffee, biscuits

2nd series of lectures


Swastha or health: achieving a state of perfect mental and physical balance through the multimodal approach of Maharishi AyurVeda

Dr Walter Mölk

Mind as the unified basis of physical creation: the meeting point of Vedic science and modern science

István Dienes
TM advanced technology teacher, Hungary

Day 2 - Saturday

1. series of lectures


A hotel Hadrianus konferenciatermének előterében

Summary, programme summary

Evidence from Maharishi Aromatherapy

Dr Charlotte Bech

Scientific research shows the benefits of aromatherapy. Studies have shown that essential oils are effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, have antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They also reduce anxiety and provide relief from insomnia and digestive problems. These are just some of the many specific therapeutic effects that are beneficial to our psychophysiological systems.

Doctors, nurses, hospitals and clinics now use essential oils as complementary therapies. A significant body of recent scientific research also illustrates the resurgence of aromatherapy in the early 20th century.

Maharishi Aromatherapy is a powerful component of Maharishi Ayurveda. Through the proper use of essential oils, it creates greater balance in life, helps to eliminate the root cause of disease - the imbalance in the doshas - and puts us on the path to enjoying perfect health.

The relationship between consciousness, Hirdaya and mind: therapeutic evaluations

In the 21st century, scientific research in the field of neurophysiology will focus on understanding the relationship between the mind, heart and spirit.

This new vision will involve new integrated therapeutic approaches, as highlighted by the Maharishi AyurVeda's integrated psychosomatic approach.

Prof. Bruno Renzi


Coffee, tea, biscuits

Ancient wisdom and knowledge in modern life

Dr Girish Momaya

Cycles in nature: daily routine in Ájurveda

Dienes-Nagy Erika
TM Hungary

In the hotel restaurant

2nd series of lectures


Agni: Factors that disturb the Agni and cause Amas

Dr. Molnár Katalin
Hungary MAV

A holistic view of man, holistic healing in Maharishi AyurVeda

Dr Dániel Pál
TM Hungary

Prevention with the tools of Ayurveda. Can a healthy society be achieved through holistic medicine? Practical advice.

Dr Julianna Tarsoly
Infant and paediatrician, general practitioner, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda doctor

Coffee, tea

3. series of lectures


Maharishi AyurVeda Pancsakarma in practice. Purpose, principles and methodology of treatments

Randol Oberson
Head of Department, MCPHI

Stay young and vibrant for 100 years with Maharishi AyurVeda. Ayurvedic detoxification as a therapy booster.

Dr Wolfgang Schachinger

Fényt derítünk az egészségre:

Maharishi-féle Drágaköves fénytechnológia 

Orelia Roller 

Az MCPHI osztályvezetője

Summary and conclusion of the conference


Workshops, presentations


Interactive workshop


Maharishi Protective Organic Agriculture (MVOA) is agriculture in accordance with the Total Natural Law. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the founder of this science and technology.

It combines ancient wisdom with modern technology and know-how to create the most advanced, comprehensive and efficient system of agriculture.

Maharishi Protective Astrology, also known as Maharishi Jyotish, is a powerful tool for life guidance that helps maximise development, success, health and happiness, while remaining vigilant and avoiding challenges that come one's way.

Maharishi Jyotish is not mystical or esoteric. Rather, it is a system that mathematically calculates how the cosmic cycles of nature, as represented by the Sun, Moon, planets and stars, affect our personal experience and well-being - including the variability, timing and nature of current and future trends and flows.

The Gandharva Veda describes in detail how the different sounds and rhythms, also known as "ragas", relate to and affect different aspects of Creation.

There are different ragas that are associated with and evoke different states of consciousness or emotions. There are also ragas associated with certain times of the day, or even certain seasons or times of the year. The Gandharva Veda translates the rhythms and frequencies of nature into the rhythms and melodies of music and sound.

A világ legősibb és legteljesebb építészeti és tervezési rendszerét alkalmazva a Maharishi Vastu otthon a természet intelligenciáját használja, hogy tiszta gondolkodást, harmóniát teremtsen a családtagok között, jobb egészséget és teljes mértékben az életet támogató környezetet – egy igazán szerencsét teremtő otthont. A Maharishi Vastu- vagy Sthapatya Veda-építészet biztosítja, hogy az épületek és városok csak tápláló hatással legyenek. Ez a hatás több kulcsfontosságú alapelv alkalmazásának eredménye: a kedvező tájolás és arányok, a helyiségek megfelelő elhelyezése, a kedvező elhelyezkedés és környezet, valamint a nem mérgező anyagok használata.

Az ayurvédikus napi olajmasszázs célja a napi rutin részeként az, hogy segítsen megelőzni a fiziológiai egyensúlyhiányok felhalmozódását, valamint hogy kenje és elősegítse az izmok, szövetek és ízületek rugalmasságát. Az Ayurveda klasszikus szövegei arra is utalnak, hogy a napi olajmasszázs elősegíti a bőr puhaságát és fényét, valamint a fiatalságot. Az alábbiakban néhány egyszerű utasítás segít az ayurvédikus napi olajmasszázs elsajátításában.

A Maharishi Ájurvéda aromaterápia (MAAT) egy egyedülálló tudásanyag, amely a Maharishi Ájurvéda – a betegségek diagnosztizálásának és megelőzésének, a jó egészség megőrzésének és a hosszú élet elősegítésének hagyományos rendszere – ismereteiből és gyakorlataiból merít, hogy megteremtse az elme, a test, az érzelmek és a lélek teljességét és egyensúlyát.

A hagyományos ájurvédikus orvosok számos illóolajat osztályoztak a Váta, Pitta és Kapha uralkodó tulajdonságai szerint – a kezelés testre szabásával és az egyén alkatának megfelelő illóolaj használatával az elme, a test és az érzelmek egyensúlya helyreáll. Ezért a Maharishi Ájurvéda aromaterápia a tudás gyönyörű ajándéka a holisztikus és személyre szabott egészségmegőrzéshez.

Vata, Pitta and Kapha: areas of biological intelligence (what the pulse can tell us)

Maharishi Gemstone Light Technology is a method of Maharishi AyurVeda that works from the deep level of nature where consciousness expresses itself as matter. The technique bathes specific areas of the body in special light transmitted through gemstones. The unique crystal structure of the gemstones, their distinctive colour and the light they emit have a powerful harmonising and nourishing effect on the body, mind and emotions.




More than 45 years ago, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's profound insights into the intricate relationship between pure consciousness, mind, body, behaviour, society and environment led to the development of a comprehensive health system - Maharishi AyurVeda, also known as Maharishi's Protective Health Care.
In 2001, Maharishi founded the institution that has become the cornerstone of our mission. This was the Maharishi College of Vedic Medicine, which in 2007 became the Maharishi College of Perfect Health International (MCPHI). Its purpose is clear: to develop and spread the practice of a prevention-oriented, perfect health system around the world.

MCPHI was established with the intention of developing and making available training programmes at various levels in the many modalities of Maharishi AyurVeda:
1. Introductory courses and comprehensive training for anyone interested in maintaining physical and mental health.
2Professional training and continuing education for health professionals in Maharishi AyurVeda.
3. Continuing education for Maharishi AyurVeda practitioners through the transfer of fresh knowledge, sharing of research articles, and advanced courses, case studies, and clinical practice opportunities.


The Maharishi Ayurveda Foundation International is a global organisation representing health professionals trained in Maharishi Ayurveda worldwide. It serves as a platform that connects and supports Maharishi AyurVeda health professionals, thereby providing a strong, unified voice for mind-based Ayurveda. It also contributes to making Ayurveda an integral part of the public health system.


Authentic Ayurvedic preparations based on original recipes that have stood the test of time since 1987. Each of our products brings you a wealth of traditional, ancient knowledge about holistic health and natural beauty.

  • Our dietary supplements have been awarded the AYUSH Premium Mark.
  • BDIH/COSMOS ORGANIC/NATURAL certified cosmetics.


VedAroma offers exceptionally pure, therapeutic-grade, certified organic or wild-collected essential oils and absolutes from around the world.

VedAroma essential oils are derived from plants grown without the use of chemical fertilisers, herbicides, insecticides or fungicides. The oils are distilled slowly at low pressure to ensure maximum effectiveness.

VedAroma essential oils are certified organic by the EcoControl NCS Organic Quality and Natural Cosmetic Standard.


Raise your own consciousness through Maharishi's Vedic knowledge!

MERU is a research university based in the Netherlands, offering courses, retreats and events, primarily for the global Transcendental Meditation community. Its mission is to bring the timeless knowledge of consciousness and its applications to all, and thereby contribute to a healthy, dynamic and peaceful society.


A ProSkincare Hungary kifejezetten az orvosok igényeihez tervezett, kiváló minőségű esztétikai és orvosi termékek átfogó választékának biztosítására specializálódott.
Többek között: biorevitalizációs készítmények, 100%-ban természetes- és hialuronsavas töltőanyagok, piacvezető PDO szálak, zsírbontó injekciók, valamint egyéb élvonalbeli megoldások.

A Bad Ems-i Maharishi AyurVeda Egészségközpont 1992 óta több mint 30 000 elégedett vendéggel Európa legnagyobb és vezető Ájurvédikus magánklinikája. Számos díjat kapott, és Németország egyik legszebb részén, a Lahn folyó partján fekvő Bad Ems bájos fürdővárosában található. A klinikánkon végzett ájurvédikus kezeléssel helyreállíthatja egészséges egyensúlyát, és új életkedvet nyerhet. Terápiánk középpontjában a Panchakarma, az ájurvédikus kúra áll – klasszikus és hiteles a méregtelenítés, a revitalizáció és az egyébként nehezen kezelhető krónikus betegségek kezelésére.

Bonus Day 3 - Sunday



In the hotel lobby

Departure for the joint programme on Margaret Island

  • Yoga
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation

Closing of the conference


Patron, Honorary President

Dr Tony Nader

Tony Nader MD, PhD, MARR

The first leader of the Global Country of World Peace

Dr Tony Nader holds a PhD from the American University of Beirut, where he also studied internal medicine and psychiatry. He holds a PhD in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

He was a Clinical and Research Fellow in Neurology at Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Director of the MIT Clinical Research Center. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Mathematics and Consciousness.

Dr Nader has conducted research in the areas of neurochemistry, neuroendocrinology, the relationship between diet, age, behavior, mood, seasonal effects and neurotransmitter and hormonal activity, and the role of neurotransmitter precursors in medicine.

His interest in the full potential of the human mind led him to the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM), and he soon began working closely with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Vedic sage who introduced TM.

Dr Nader has successfully related each aspect of the Vedic literature to a specific area of human physiology and anatomy, as well as the cell and DNA, and concluded that human physiology is an expression of the Vedas and the Vedic literature. This is the subject of his five published books. In his book "Ramayan in Human Physiology", he has expanded this in-depth scientific explanation of the scientific significance of the Vedas.

In a seminal paper, Dr Nader offered a mathematical model of how diversity, including all matter, arises from the primordial singularity of Consciousness through the spontaneous phenomenon of Consciousness knowing itself.

The practical application of Dr Nader's discovery has been documented by original research conducted by physicians and scientists demonstrating the effectiveness of Vedic sounds and Vedic vibrations in the treatment of chronic diseases.

In recognition of Dr Nader's achievements and his profound knowledge of both Vedic science and modern science, Maharishi awarded him the title of 'Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam' and, as Maharishi's successor, he was given the leadership of the Global Country of World Peace, an umbrella organisation for Maharishi's worldwide legacy.

The speakers

Dr Rainer Picha

Dr Rainer Picha


Dr Rainer Picha, an Austrian cardiologist, was Head of the Intensive Care Unit at Graz State Hospital (Austria) and later Deputy Director of the hospital.

In 1996 Maharishi invited Dr Picha to the Maharishi European Research University in Vlodrop, the Netherlands. There he worked with Dr Nader and his group of scientists to support work on Veda in human physiology. Under the leadership of Maharishi and Dr Nader, Dr Picha developed a model of Vedic physiology, worked closely with Maharishi on new hospital designs and curricula, and integrated Maharishi AyurVeda into modern medicine.

He is currently President of Maharishi College of Perfect Health International and also President of the Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation for Health Professionals International.

Dr Walter Mölk

Dr Walter Mölk


Dr Walter Mölk is an Austrian general practitioner, founder of the Austrian Ayurvedic Medical Society and the first Maharishi AyurVeda Health Centre in Austria in 1986.

In 1996, Dr Mölk became a member of the international research team at Maharishi Vedic University in Vlodrop, the Netherlands, where he had the opportunity to work with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and neuroscientist Prof Tony Nader. Dr Mölk has developed comprehensive curricula for postgraduate training and has over 30 years of experience teaching Maharishi AyurVeda to health professionals worldwide. He is also a director of the International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation and the Maharishi College of Perfect Health in the Netherlands.

He is also involved in the organisation of several international Ayurveda congresses in London, Rio de Janeiro and the Netherlands.

Dr Girish Momaya

Dr Girish Momaya

Director of the MCPHI, IMAVF and MERU

Dr Momaya is the Director of the Maharishi European Research University, a Dutch foundation providing training and services in education, Ayurvedic health and social welfare.

Dr Momaya is Director of the Maharishi International Ayurveda Foundation in the Netherlands, a global organisation that serves as a platform for integrating and mainstreaming all aspects of Ayurveda. He is also a director of Maharishi AyurVeda Europe B.V., a Dutch company that manufactures and distributes herbal supplements.

Dr Momaya spent many years under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the great scientist of consciousness research and founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Under Maharishi's guidance he received extensive education and training in all aspects of Vedic science.

Lothar Pirc

Prof. Lothar Pirc


Since 1992, Lothar Pirc has been the owner and CEO of the Maharishi AyurVeda Health Centre in Bad Ems, Germany.

The state-recognised clinic is one of Europe's leading and multi-award-winning Ayurvedic treatment facilities.

In 1992, Lothar Pirc and his wife Dr Karin Pirc founded the Maharishi AyurVeda Health Centre in Bad Ems at the invitation of the former Spa Director and General Manager of Staatsbad Bad Ems. The Health Centre was granted private clinic status in 1996 and now employs more than 90 staff.

„Szeretem az embereket lenyűgöző tudással és szórakoztató történetekkel inspirálni, és olyan gyakorlati tudást nyújtani, amelyet magukkal vihetnek. Amikor előadást tartok, egy témát tartok szem előtt, ugyanakkor kapcsolatot teremtek a hallgatósággal, érzékelem az egyes interakciók során kialakuló dinamikát, és ennek megfelelően alakítom a tartalmat. Ily módon minden előadás egyedi és élénk.”


Charlotte Bech

Dr Charlotte Bech

Medical doctor, Gastrointestinal surgeon, TM teacher

Dr. Charlotte Bech is an allopathic physician who has worked as a gastrointestinal surgeon in Denmark and as an obstetric surgeon in the United States. She holds a PhD in the Science of Creative Intelligence from MERU in Switzerland and has been a teacher of Transcendental Meditation since 1983. He currently runs a private clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark, where he combines allopathic modern medicine with Maharishi Ayurveda. He is the author of ten health-related books. He is a lecturer in Maharishi Ayurveda and Aromatherapy at Maharishi International University.)


István Dienes

István Dienes

engineer, researcher, teacher of TM and TM-Handling technology

István Dienes is an engineer, researcher, translator, teacher of Transcendental Meditation and Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation.

As a teacher of Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology, he has been teaching TM in Hungary since 1999.

Since 2000, he has been a regular guest at the annual international conferences of Maharishi Vedic University in the Netherlands, where he has worked under Maharishi's leadership to develop and implement various programmes. In this context, he was able on several occasions to bring Hungarian university leaders and scientists to these meetings, where they explored the possibilities of introducing Maharishi Vedic Science into higher education.

As a translator and co-translator, he has been involved in the publication of some 40-50 books. He has translated Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's The Bhagavad-Gita, New Translation and New Explanation, published by Vasishtha in 2016. Another masterpiece of Vedic literature that he has translated is The Vasishtha Yoga. In addition, he has translated and continues to translate several TM-movement knowledge materials.

He and his wife have made several attempts to introduce Maharishi's Knowledge-Based Education in Hungary.In 2009, as project leader, he organized the first large-scale group TM education in Hungary, with about 300 students at the Mantra Natural Science Free University in Budapest.

In the same year, 63 students, including parents and teachers, learned TM at the Sajóecseg Alternative Primary, Secondary and Vocational School, and we also started training teachers and the mayor's office at the Körösszakali Primary School.

In 2012, he was awarded the Master of Science of Creative Intelligence (MSCI) by MERU (Maharishi European Research University, Seelisberg, Switzerland) for his work in the TM movement.

His scientific work has earned him membership in the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, Noetic Advanced Studies Institute, Telesio-Galilei Academy of Sciences.

In the autumn of 2022, at the invitation of Maharishi European Research University (MERU), he was invited to participate in the Teacher Training Course in Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation in Vlodrop, the Netherlands, and became a teacher of TM-Hallowing Techniques.

Dienes Erika

Erika Dienes-Nagy

journalist, TM and TM-Technique teacher

Erika Dienes-Nagy is an educator, journalist, translator, teacher of Transcendental Meditation and Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation, MSCI.

As a teacher of Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology, he has been teaching TM technique in Hungary since 1999.

With her husband István Dienes, she has made several attempts to introduce the TM method in the field of education. The first successful experiment took place in 2009 at the Mantra Natural Science Free University in Budapest, where about 300 students learned and practiced TM in groups, thus making it the first large-scale group TM education in the history of TM education in Hungary.

In the same year, 63 students, including parents and teachers, started learning TM at the Sajóecseg Alternative Primary, Secondary and Vocational School, and the teaching staff and the mayor's office at the Primary School of Körösszakali also started their education.

Since 2005, she has written several interviews, reports and book reviews for the Hajdú-Bihari Napló, and for years she has written articles on environmental protection, sustainability, consumer awareness, ayurveda and vegetarianism for the magazines Ideal, Elixir and Naturgyógyász. He regularly promotes Maharishi AyurVeda in his lectures on the Internet.

As a translator, he has been involved in the translation of 40-50 books, and in 2001 he translated Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: The Science of Being and the Art of Living, and in autumn 2019 he completed the second revised edition of the book. As a translator, he has been and is involved in the translation of several TM movement courses.

In 2012, he was awarded the Master of Science of Creative Intelligence (MSCI) by MERU (Maharishi European Research University, Seelisberg, Switzerland) for his work in the TM movement.

In the autumn of 2022, at the invitation of Maharishi European Research University (MERU), he was invited to participate in the Teacher Training Course in Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation in Vlodrop, the Netherlands, and became a teacher of TM-Hallowing Techniques.

Dr. Dániel Pál

Dr. Dániel Pál

philosopher, writer, TM Teacher

Dr Dániel Pál, PhD was born in Szeged.

Philosopher, writer, qualified teacher of Transcendental Meditation (TM). He was introduced to yoga as a child and has been practicing and teaching Transcendental Meditation since 1990 and 2015.

He graduated from the University of Szeged with a degree in English Philosophy, and then completed his PhD at the Doctoral School of Philosophy of ELTE, the second in the country to do so on a topic related to Indian philosophy. He holds an additional MA in Vedic Science from Maharishi International University in the USA and a diploma as a consultant in Ayurveda. In addition, he is one of the few domestic practitioners of Maharishi Gemstone Light Technology.

He is the author of numerous scientific publications and three books. Since the mid-nineties, he has written and translated more than 400 articles in print and online media on TM, mindfulness, yoga, Ayurveda and other naturopathic and spiritual topics, playing a major role in promoting Transcendental Meditation and Ayurveda in the country. He regularly holds courses and lectures on meditation, yoga and Ayurveda, both at home and abroad.

Dr Julianna Tarsoly

Dr Julianna Tarsoly

Infant and paediatrician, general practitioner, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda doctor
Dr Wolfgang Schachinger

Dr Wolfgang Schachinger

General Practitioner and Ayurveda Specialist, European Pioneer of Ayurveda, Founder and Director of the "Home of Ayurveda Somamed"

Dr. med. Wolfgang Schachinger, az ájurvéda és a modern orvostudomány elismert szakértője, 1984 óta praktizál saját rendelőjében. Ő az egyik úttörője az ájurvéda alkalmazásának Európában, és az újonnan alapított „Home of Ayurveda somamed” központ vezetője, amely a Maharishi Ájurvéda és a holisztikus orvoslás központja.

Professional career

Dr Schachinger has more than three decades of experience in holistic medicine and has extensive knowledge of both Ayurveda and modern medical diagnostic and therapeutic methods. His goal is to support the physical, mental and spiritual health of his patients, combining the best elements of traditional Eastern medicine with Western medical science.

Its approach and methods

In her practice, she places great emphasis on developing personalised treatment plans that include Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis, nutritional advice and lifestyle suggestions. She also integrates the tools of modern medicine to provide comprehensive and effective treatment for her patients.

Katalin Molnár

Dr. Katalin Molnár

internist, clinical immunologist, allergist, naturopath and phytotherapist

Dr Katalin Molnár learned TM in 1998, has been practicing TM-sidhi regularly since 2002 and has been a trustee of the Women for Total Knowledge Foundation since 2010.

He graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of Semmelweis University. He first qualified in internal medicine, then in clinical immunology and allergology. He worked for many years and taught medical students at Semmelweis University, and later obtained a diploma in occupational medicine under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior.

Naturopath and Phytotherapist since 2008. In March 2023, he obtained a postgraduate diploma in Maharishi AyurVeda for health professionals from Alma Mater University in Slovenia. She is currently a student at the Master of Integrative Health Sciences at Alma Mater University, where she is also studying Maharishi AyurVeda at advanced level.

For some years now, Swiss Medical Hungary has been providing four types of specialised medical care in its Premium Specialist Clinic. In his work, he considers it important to combine Maharishi AyurVeda with modern health care, and to apply the knowledge-based approach of Maharishi Ayurveda to all levels of health care.

Prof. Bruno Renzi

Prof. Bruno Renzi

Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, former professor of psychiatry at the State University of Milan

Co-Director of Maharishi College for Perfect Health International, Director of the Department of Maharishi Ayurvedic Psychosomatic Medicine at UMLAC. Member of the faculty of MIU, USA, in charge of Maharishi Ayurveda in Italy.

Prof. Bruno Renzi, M.D., psychiatrist. Previously, he was the first level Head of the Department of Mental Health at L. Sacco Hospital - University Centre and Head of the Integrated Psychosomatic and Functional Medical Centre for Psychiatry I. Also at L. Sacco Hospital - University Center, he was in charge of the Smoking Cessation Center and the Stress Related Disorders Coordination Center.

Currently, he is Professor of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and General Psychiatry at the L. Sacco University Centre and lecturer at the Maharishi Ayurvedic University. During his career, he has gained experience at a number of institutions, including Maharishi International University, USA and Gujirat Ayurvedic University, India.

He has established several centres for Ayurvedic Medicine in the USA and Canada and was President of the Italian Maharishi Ayurvedic Society from 2003-2006. Since 2008, he has been the Director of the Maharishi AyurVeda Medical Training Course and Director of the Ayurvedic Centre for Health and Prevention in Milan.

Prof. Renzi is a recognized expert in neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis, has presented at numerous international conferences and published several scientific articles. He is a renowned television personality and co-director of the Italian Maharishi College of Perfect Health and its International Centre.

Author of several books, including:

  • „ANIMA – Conversazioni irreali” (2009)

His work has appeared in various journals and books, such as:

  • „Az alkímia területei, Jung és azon túl”
  • „A hosszú élet manifesztuma. A prediktív orvoslás forradalma”
  • „A labirintuson túl – Út a komplementer orvoslásban”
  • „A stressz Fehér Könyve Milánóban”

Prof. Renzi has an outstanding scientific and practical experience in the field of psychiatry and Ayurvedic medicine and is committed to the integration of mental health and holistic medicine.

Randol Oberson

Panchakarma and Marma Therapy Trainer, TM Teacher, Head of Department at MCPHI

Randol Oberson is the MCPHI's Head of the Panchakarma Division. He is a trained Maharishi AyurVeda health consultant, has been practicing Maharishi Panchakarma procedures since 1988, and has worked with renowned Indian Vaidyas.

Randol Oberson trains Panchakarma and Marma therapists, and advises on the implementation of Maharishi Health Centres worldwide.

Tomaž Klojčnik

Deputy Secretary General of Alma Mater Europae, Business Manager, TM Teacher

Tomaž Klojčnik is a recognised expert in information technology and higher education management, based in Maribor, Slovenia. For more than a decade, he has been Deputy Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General of the independent higher education institution Alma Mater Europaea, as well as project manager and senior lecturer. Her main responsibilities include managing professional services, managing educational projects and promoting research in higher education.

Prior to his career at Alma Mater Europaea, Tomaž was Head of the IT Centre at the University of Maribor from 1995 to 2009, where he coordinated IT services and managed a team of experts. Through his role in the education sector, Tomaž was an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor, where he gave lectures and practical sessions in legal informatics. During his colourful career, he has also served as Head of the Rector's Office at the University of Maribor and as Director of the television production company TMR Studio.

Tomaž holds a Master's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Computer Graphics from the University of Maribor, and in 2006 he obtained his IT Business Manager qualification in the United States at MDE Enterprises. Over the years, he has led several major IT projects, including the renewal of the information system at the University of Maribor and the development of multimedia educational support for Alma Mater Europaea.

His professional contributions also include various programme committee roles, for example as a member of the ARNES Expert Council from 1995 to 2009. In addition to his technical and leadership skills, Tomaž is a dedicated teacher of Transcendental Meditation and Yoga, and also serves as an Ayurveda counsellor to help manage stress and promote holistic well-being.

Orelia Roller


TM Tanár, MLG szakértő, aranyműves

Szüleivel együtt irányítja az MCPHI Maharishi-féle Drágaköves Fénytechnológia (MLG) osztályt, amelyet Maharishi-val közösen fejlesztettek ki. Évente segít új MLG szakemberek képzésében, hogy a drágakövek fényét felhasználva gyógyítsák a testet és a tudatot. Aranyműves, drágakő-beállító és TM tanár szakértelmével Orelia alaposan ismeri, hogyan aktiválhatják a drágakövek a belső intelligenciát, elősegítve ezzel az egészséget és a jóllétet.


personal experiences

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Caleb Jenkins
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Chelsea Marks
Spinning Magazine
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Miguel Rodriguez
Festival Magazine

Optional group programmes




31.200 HUF*

80 EUR


46.800 HUF*

120 EUR


68.250 HUF*

175 EUR


117.000 HUF*

300 From EUR

* Prices in HUF are calculated based on the exchange rate of 390 Ft/Euro.

Discounted accommodation for 2 nights (Friday-Saturday) during the conference!

Book your stay at the 4-star Verdi Hotel Aquincum, where you can enjoy breakfast and full use of the spa, in double rooms.

Submit your request on the ticket order form and we'll send you a personal code to secure your accommodation. 


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